
TheToolReviewGuy website was created to inform do it yourselfers about tools available for their home improvement projects. 

On TheToolReviewGuy I will give you my honest and humble opinion about the tool I am reviewing and how it has helped me complete my projects. I am in no way a professional contractor or tradesman. That being said I have been remolding my home and helping others remodel their homes for the past 20 years. My real trade is in Law Enforcement, and like many who have blue collar jobs, tend to work on our own projects for several reasons. Whether to save money, or to have the satisfaction of knowing we built it with our own hands.

I have an addiction to tools. I am always buying new tools even when I don’t need them. I am also very frugal, and enjoy good deals. I search the internet and local hardware stores looking for deals. 

The main thing about me is that I am not a tool snob. Even though I do like name brand tools and have many of them. I also have generic tools. My tool collection consists of both USA and foreign county or origin. I will be reviewing all types of tools on TheToolReviewGuy.  If a tool I am reviewing has worked well for me, Irecommend it with a blue BUY recommendation. If I find the tool to be less then acceptable, or junk, then you will see a red DON’T BUY next to the review. Again it’s just my feelings on the item I am reviewing. If you have used it and believe it served you well then you are welcomed to leave a comment.

Also I live in Florida, where construction is mostly concrete block, and rebar reinforced concrete slabs due to Hurricanes in this part of the country. So some of the tools I will be reviewing may not be normally used in you part of the country or world, so keep that in mind.

I would like to thank you for visiting TheToolReviewGuy and look forward to you coming back real soon.


Ace Calzadilla

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